Queen of the woodwind instruments
Until the beginning of the 1950's Gebrüder Mönnig had the worldwide reputation of being the leading manufacturer of oboes.
Based on this great but challenging tradition in 2000 we started completely redesigning and developing our oboe and english horn ranges under the renowned expert, Ludwig Frank, and have in the meantime found our place again among the great orchestras of the world. Here we are supported by well-known oboists such as Albrecht Mayer, solo oboist with the Berliner Philharmonica, who actively and decisively contributes to the perfection of our oboes and English horns.
The grenadill wood we use is naturally seasonend over many years and is then carefully handled in the production process to reduce the risk of any splitting to an absolute minimum while maintaining the exceptional tone qualities and characteristics over many years.
Based on this great but challenging tradition in 2000 we started completely redesigning and developing our oboe and english horn ranges under the renowned expert, Ludwig Frank, and have in the meantime found our place again among the great orchestras of the world. Here we are supported by well-known oboists such as Albrecht Mayer, solo oboist with the Berliner Philharmonica, who actively and decisively contributes to the perfection of our oboes and English horns.
The grenadill wood we use is naturally seasonend over many years and is then carefully handled in the production process to reduce the risk of any splitting to an absolute minimum while maintaining the exceptional tone qualities and characteristics over many years.
"il fagotto" - the bundle
Our bassoons have been made traditionally in hand craftmanship for over 100 years while at the same time using the most feasible modern precision production methods available. The special mountain maple has always been supplied from the Highland of Bosnia in specially selected quality. All of our wood is seasoned naturally for over 10 years in our own facilities before we accept it for production. Our constant contact with leading well-known musicians enables us to continually further develop and improve our bassoons to attain optimal tone characteristics.
High pitched melodic instruments
The flute is a member of a family of musical instruments in the woodwind group. Like all woodwinds, flutes are aerophones, producing sound with a vibrating column of air. Flutes produce sound when the player's air flows across an opening. In the Hornbostel–Sachs classification system, flutes are edge-blown aerophones.
Mozart's favorite
The long tradition of clarinet production in the Upper Vogtland has always been substantially influenced and formed by the companies Gebrüder Möennig as well as Oscar Adler & Co. For decades our Grenadill wood used in the clarinets has been supplied from officially certified and approved southeast African savannah regions in Mozambique. The seasoning of this certified wood for over 10 years by utilizing natural temperature and humidity conditions guarantees a minimal risk of splitting and the sustenance of the typical tone characteristics of our clarinets throughout years and generations.
Our bass clarinet 510 was recognized in 2008 by the German Ministry of Economy and Energy for its exceptional tone and intonation attributes and awarded the First Prize for Music Instruments in Germany.
Our bass clarinet 510 was recognized in 2008 by the German Ministry of Economy and Energy for its exceptional tone and intonation attributes and awarded the First Prize for Music Instruments in Germany.